We had a few babies arrive on the farm in the last week. We have been planning to get some baby chicks since Spring, but things kept getting in the way. We tried hatching out own without success, so last week Country Boy went for a drive to pick up these babies, and a few older birds too. The babies haven’t been named yet, and they won’t be until we can tell whether they are boys or girls. The girls are destined for a life of freedom, roaming the farm and laying eggs for us, while the boys are destined for the pot. Such is life on the farm.
The two older chickens have been given names however: Colly, and Bobcat. No prizes for guessing who Bobcat was named by. She joins her sisters Excavator and Bommy Knocker in the line of chickens named after machinery that we have here.
Along with the baby chickens, Mummy pig gave birth to some piglets last week. She had 8 live births, but managed to squash two in the first 24 hours. It’s not an uncommon thing for pigs to do when the piglets are so little. The piglets are getting bigger and stronger every day, and boy do they squeal when they are first picked up, though they often settle afterwards.
I took some photos after they had been playing in the mud all day, and they were as happy as pigs in… well you know!
So there you go, a whole lot of babies, a whole lot of fun, a whole lot more mouths to feed, and a whole log more work for us over the next few months.